CHICAGO – July 25, 2007 -- Invenergy Wind LLC issued the following statement today following theaffirmation by the Court of Appeals of Wisconsin of the Certificate of Public Convenience andNecessity for its Forward Energy Center, located in Dodge and Fond du Lac Counties, Wisconsin.
“We are pleased that the appellate court today affirmed the decision of the circuit court, which held thatthe Wisconsin Public Service Commission properly issued the Certificate of Public Convenience andNecessity for the Forward Energy Center,” said Kevin Smith, Senior Vice President of Invenergy Wind.“The WPSC process was extremely thorough and comprehensive, and we are very excited aboutconstruction of our first wind energy project in Wisconsin moving ahead.” Power generated by theForward Project will be sold via contract to several Wisconsin utilities.
Over the past three years, Invenergy Wind has completed development and construction of nearly 700MW of wind energy facilities. Wind energy projects completed and under construction by InvenergyWind in North America and Europe are expected to generate more than three billion kilowatt hours ofelectricity per year with clean and renewable generation technology, enough to power almost 300,000homes.
About Invenergy Wind LLC
Invenergy Wind LLC is an affiliate of Invenergy LLC, a developer, owner and operator of utility-scaleelectricity generating facilities including wind energy and natural gas-fired projects. The company hascomprehensive expertise in the development, financing, construction, operation and management ofpower generation projects serving a wide range of utilities, load serving entities and energy tradingcompanies. The members of Invenergy’s senior management team have extensive experience in diverseareas of the energy market and a track record of resounding success at Invenergy and in their priorbusiness entities.
Invenergy is headquartered in Chicago and has professional staff located in its North American officesin Denver, Washington D.C, Toronto, Milwaukee, Tampa, San Francisco, Portland and Austin, Texas.Overseas offices are located in London, Warsaw, and Athens.
Contact: Kevin Smith 312-224-1440